Recognize growth

Where and when it occurs, because what seems like a simple change to some might, be life-changing to another.

Robert Andrew Stanley
3 min readJul 17, 2023

Often, we are too focused on results, benchmarks, scores, or comparisons to the point where we forget to recognize growth as it happens. Let’s see if this sentiment resonates with you. Suppose you’re trying to lose weight, and your target weight is 225 pounds, but your current weight is 275 pounds, down from 300. Instead of the focus being, “Wow, I lost 25 pounds!”, the focus is typically, “Good Lord, I have a long way to go!” Some people say that life is the journey, not the destination; however, I disagree because life is BOTH the journey and the destination. In order to reach the destination in the healthiest way possible, we need to acknowledge the growth that occurs along the way.

Celebrating the small wins on the path to growth is important, but I don’t mean having a graduation ceremony after each grade is completed in school; that’s crazy. What I mean is that you were able to do two more pushups today than you could last week, you saved $50 more from your paycheck to reach a goal, you lost an additional ten pounds last month, or you wrote an article to add to your library.

All of these things may seem insignificant if your focus is solely on the destination and not the journey. The accomplishments may tempt you to say, “Good enough,” if your focus is on the journey alone and not the destination. I repeat, it is both the journey and the destination that need to be in focus to achieve the type of growth that is lasting, life-changing, and, most importantly, sustainable.

Take the time to celebrate the small wins that demonstrate someone’s growth along the way instead of comparing them to another person, another goal, or another quota. Immediately pushing someone further or harder when they have achieved something is a great way to get them to quit or be discouraged. It is okay to push people, just make sure you acknowledge the effort they put into that leg of the journey. What is easy for some is difficult for others, and together we can learn and grow from each other while acknowledging the journey we are all on. Let’s remember that we are all headed to the same destination in the end, so why not be happier, healthier, and more cooperative along the way? Perception is everything, and I believe that using the perception of growth, rather than just meeting targets, is the way we will come back together as a society. I have faith that we are heading in the right direction.

Enjoy the journey, remember the destination, and recognize growth. It may seem like simple advice, but just like the journey itself, every little change towards growth gets us another step closer to our destination.

To wrap it up, let’s remember the importance of recognizing growth in our lives. Instead of being solely fixated on reaching our goals, let’s appreciate the journey and celebrate the progress we make along the way.

Don’t underestimate the power of small wins. Whether it’s doing a couple more pushups, saving a bit more money, shedding a few extra pounds, or adding to your personal accomplishments, these seemingly insignificant victories contribute to your growth.

Let’s stop comparing ourselves to others or getting caught up in unrealistic expectations. Each of us has our own unique journey, and it’s essential to measure our progress against our own goals and efforts.

By supporting and learning from one another, acknowledging the challenges we face, and staying focused on our personal growth, we can build a happier and more cooperative society. Together, let’s embrace the journey, keep our destination in mind, and appreciate every little change that brings us closer to our goals.

So, enjoy the ride, cherish your destination, and always recognize the power of growth. Every step counts on this exciting journey we’re all on.

Thanks for reading, and bye for now: Robert Andrew Stanley



Robert Andrew Stanley

Cat Dad, United States Army Veteran, Technology Enthusiast, Leader, Teacher, Trainer, Masters of Applied Leadership and Management — Arizona State University.